Sunday, December 30, 2012
Racism or legitimate concern?
Monday, December 17, 2012
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Musical heritage to die?
Sunday, September 16, 2012
TIFF visitor escapes Canadian hellscape.
I'm now wrapping up my final evening in Toronto - part of the socialist hellscape known as Canada. Let us pray that the United States never follows in its footsteps.
I have now spent 12 days in a place where a single payer medical system replaces our American tradition of rugged individualism. Unlike wimpy Canadians, real Americans are willing to die to maintain our freedom to not be able to afford medical care!
In this land that would make Lenin proud, the population exists under such totalitarian oppression, that it's difficult to find even a single piece of litter on the street. So conditioned by propaganda that extols the left wing virtues of clean air, water and the environment, the citizens here must endure the heavy burden of knowing that their food and water supply is safe. In the totalitarian jungle of Canada even the criminal elements fear coming out at night... Why, I have walked miles upon miles of streets in Toronto, and never once felt in danger - even at the midnight hour... Yes, this is a place where government run amok has certainly created a controlled environment where peaceful streets are successfully feigned. And this is no Potemkin Village. This totalitarian rule is universal across the city.
Of course to lure Americans into a lull of easy complacency, so that visitors like me can be duped into thinking that Canada is a hard working country with kind people, one finds the illusion of a thriving capitalistic economy. Amazingly diverse restaurants, entertainment centers, and multi-level shopping malls that seem like cities unto themselves exist here; but thank God I know better... It must be a government sanctioned deception. No socialist hellscape like this that ensures unlimited medical care for all its people can also have a healthy market-driven economy.
How do I know? Well it's only obvious. After all this is a land where numerous gay couples openly flaunt their provocative, anti-Biblical lifestyle... holding hands and walking with their arms around each other... openly mocking all the other heterosexual couples on the same street. It was so bad that the angels cried twice while I was here!... Fortunately, there may have been enough God fearing Christians from the U.S. attending the film festival to keep the precipitation limited to only two days.
Yes, tomorrow I fly back to my beloved land, where there are still those fighting to keep us from becoming the God-less hell-hole I'm now leaving. Thank the Lord that all Americans can sleep safe tonight in the absolute assurance that we are nothing like Canada!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
The England I left behind in 1953
Bob Smith, time-traveller.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Iphone4S world phone? Not according to Virgin.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
oiTunes, introducing a new music genre: PRE-THUMP
In memorium, my London
Sunday, April 15, 2012
N.Y. Times discovers Sony has dropped the ball.
Sony once wowed the world with the Walkman and the Trinitron TV. But its fortunes have taken a sharp turn amid disruptive new technologies and unforeseen rivals.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Vodaphone, horrible people.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Long overdue website update
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Cruise Lines Throw Baby Out With Bathwater
Today's Globe and Mail article - "Cruise lines update old ships with new tricks" detail the efforts they are making to keep up with the times. But not all changes are improvements.
The demise of "the formerly sedate piano bar" is lamentable and I for one only cruise on ships with such a bar. There has been a sea-change in music, from melodic, interesting songs to monotonous thump-thump which the younger set like to dance to now. The cruise lines vigorously market to this younger set but the fact is repeat cruisers are people with disposable income and available time, and this tends to be the older generation and this older generation likes pre-thump music.
The same change in music is closing cafes by the score along the Mediterranean coast as music licenses are cancelled due to complaints by nearby residents. Once upon a time it was pleasant to listen to the music from afar but not now, all that can be heard is the relentless thump of the bass.
I know this makes me sound like a dinosaur but dinosaurs have rights too and one is to have access to pleasant music and not to be assailed with music volume turned up to the threshold of pain.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Beer Here or There.
Note wire fence, warning sign, security guards, plastic cup, mandatory red plastic ID wristband (required to buy a beer!). Click on the picture for enlargement.
Nothing to grumble about.
Did three hours of songs and comedy without referring to lyrics. Wow! Apparently I only need a set list.
Now I have to be careful about this blog, many more like this and will have to change the name from 'Bob's Daily Grumble' to 'Bob's Daily Brag'. A lot of the credit for the success of the evening goes to Pauline, the lovely gaffer of the Winchester Arms. The place was warm, cosy, convivial, just what a pub should be. It made it easy to entertain. Thanks, Pauline. The rest of the credit goes to my fans who showed up to support me, thank you everybody.
London Bobby, time-traveller from the previous century, bringing the good music with me.
London Bobby -Final Public Appearance!
When London Bobby appears tomorrow, September 26 at the Winchester Arms, in Dundas, Ontario, it may well be the last kick at the cat. This pub is managed by the same folk who had the Winchester Arms in Streetsville where London Bobby appeared in the 1980's. It is a good place for a party, see
London Bobby's Pub Night, inspired by the music hall of 1930's London, is an anarchy of songs, comedy and audience participation. The songs date from the last century but still go over well, even the young pub staff like it, to their and my surprise. Pleases me no end!
However, I will be retiring soon. My style is a bit mellow for modern ears and real pianos have all but disappeared.To all who have followed me for so many years I give my heartfelt thanks. I hope you have had as much fun out of listening as I have had performing for you. Thank you.
My name is london Bobby and I am a time-traveller from the last century.
In this cage - wicked drinkers.
In 1971 they relented a bit and I persuaded the owner of a Greek restaurant to rename it "The Barmaid's Arms" and hire me to sing English Music Hall songs and get the crowd singing. He had quite a tussle with the LCBO to get the name approved with the word 'bar' in it, people might think there was booze in there.
Last Sunday I went to the Brampton Fair. Several stalls sold hotdogs and hamburgers but if I wanted a beer I had to go through this gate with security guards, into this wire enclosure and, get this, wear a red identity band on my wrist. I think the beer concession was being operated by the same people that do those private-enterprise prisons.
What depresses me is that when my friends in England, America and anywhere else in the world except Moroccco read this they won't believe it but my friends here in Ontario will just sadly shake their heads and say , "Yup, that's the way it is". I want to run into the street shouting, "Rise up! Shake off the oppressors!" and make a bonfire of red wrist-bands but it is hard to be a revolution all by myself. Come on, you lot, rise up!
My name is London Bobby. I am a time-traveller from the last century and some things haven't changed much.
Search for excellence. Success! and failure:(
Failure: Well, it wasn't a piano, it was a keyboard with rhythm machine built in and/or backing tracks. It might just as well have been a DJ. The guy may have been a great musician, but who can tell? Os it real or is it Memorex? I think he sang, there was a microphone there but there seemed to be more than one voice. Personality? Zilch. Sorry, but he never caught anyone's eye, never asked if anyone had a request, never spoke, never smiled. He disappeared on his breaks and left us with Diana Krall, Jobim and Stan Getz which is not all bad. But this is not piano bar. This is a keyboardist morphing into DJ.
Success! Where are the entertainers of today? Last night they were at Lula's Lounge in Toronto. The McFlies, a six-piece band playing acoustic instruments and packing the place solid with an enthusiastic young crowd. I had never seen a Cajon before. Its basically a wooden box and the musician sits on it and slaps the front of it, different sounds from different places. With a mic stuck in a hole in the back it's a hell of a drum set, this guy was driving the band. Individually the musicians were all extremely competent, as an ensemble they were fantastic. Tight arrangements, surprising repertoire including a Boy Gorge number and a song from Quiet Riot, "Come on feel the noise". I'll be at the next performance if I can find it.
Which brings me to today's grumble. Many bands and singles work in self-imposed anonymity. Three basic items to increase audience size and get more money, guys, the bottom line, listen, you need:
The band name displayed on or near the stage.
A guest book (or a groupy with a laptop) collecting names and email addresses.
A take-away piece with a photo, the website and contact info.
I am a time-traveller from the last century and I know.
SUNDAY, JULY 5, 2009
In search of a piano bar
So I fancied a jam and came back in the evening. The band was on a break, I was invited to play when the band came back on. An hour and a quarter later the band was still on a break so I left. Bummer.
At the Barmaids Arms I remember working four hours a night with three twenty-minute breaks. The times are a-changing. I am a time-traveller from the previous century.
FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2009
Nobody likes to be shown incompetent, especially generals
The reason the US is so keen to punish McKinnon is because he made them look stupid. The fact that the US military computers were so weakly defended that a lone hacker in England could penetrate them is indefensible. Heads should roll, theirs, not his. They should formally thank McKinnon for pointing out how flimsy their security is and hire him to fix it.
Meantime, how much of that data was simultaneously being stolen by really sinister hackers, enemy intelligence operations with much more money, time, equipment and, presumably, finesse than McKinnon had at his disposal? That is the real worry and that is what the US should be concentrating on.
That's what I think. London Bobby
Packrat relinquishes disks
But, here's the rub, what took me so long? And why couldn't I have thrown them out before I moved them from Victoria to Toronto with a lot of other useless stuff?
I have a gig tomorrow so this should be short, I have to rehearse. Yes,I have been playing but working? Not really. This is how it is.
Entertainment is a commodity like shoes or shirts. It has to be crafted and it has to be sold. The creation and updating of the show is work but it is satisfying. Selling it is hard grunt work as every successful salesman knows. There has to be market research, brochures, photography, CDs and DVDs, bios and resumes, emails and web-site updates, advertising, correspondence, negotiations, contracts, collections, telephone calls, cold calls, just a lot of frequently frustrating work.
When the sale is made, if it's shirts or shoes, the work is done. If it is a show, the work begins. I myself am the product that has to be delivered, rehearsals, travelling, equipment set-up, sound checks and finally the show itself.
My next birthday is a big one and I am going to give myself a present, I am going to semi-retire. I am going to cut out all the above sales work and I am never going to carry keyboards or speakers again even though few venues seems to have a piano or a decent sound system any more. I am still good old available Bob but I probably won't get any gigs which is a pity because I still do well, still like to work, to play, that is. I still have this thing, this package, this cocktail of music and laughter which is quite rare to find and which I have been blessed with. It is a vanishing phenomenon, most of today's performers don't smile when they sing or play.
Every successful entertainer is an illusionist, he walks on to a stage and does his thing, everybody has a good time and he makes it look so easy, so effortless, so much so in fact that bookers say, "You want all that money, you are only on for forty minutes"! My answer is, "I'm working now, negotiating with you, the show itself is free. If I am not working, why aren't I sitting beside the pool with a book and a drink?".
An adoring audience is like a lover and applause gives me a high. That is why we entertainers do all that office work, carry those speakers, lif' dat bale. The show itself is free.
I probably won't get any more Legion gigs. Apart from letting their pianos go out of tune and fall to pieces, they seem to think I am a dance band and put the audience miles away from me on the other side of a bloody great dance floor and expect me to bring all the equipment and play and sing for four hours to an inattentive audience for a pittance. Or worse still, they expect me to do that AND all the publicity and promotion and work for "the door" and CD sales. Sod it. In coffee shops the sign says: no shoes, no shirt, no service. Now I say, no piano, no fee, no performance.
On the booker's side it is a fact that putting on the evening is a lot of work and heavy responsibility for the entertainment chairman. (As everybody knows, in every club 97% of the work is done by 3% of the members.) My part of the show, entertaining, is relatively easy and fun for me. Putting bums in seats and making sure they can see and hear me is the grunt work but it is the booker's work, not mine.
Today I am playing the grand piano in my daughter's living room. My gold record is on the wall smiling down at me. There is a dog here who likes it. I am rehearsing for my gig tomorrow, a private party in Brampton. i must go, work to do.