Monday, January 9, 2012

What's the matter with Sony?

In 1979 Sony gave us the Walkman and in 1992 the Minidisk recorder/playback system which I love. Then I suppose they had a big downsizing and fired all their development staff because since that date they have sat on their rears and watched Apple do all the innovating.

Sony make beautiful hardware but their software is pathetic. Their big flatscreen TVs look handsome but have a tiny and backward brain. They flaunt net access in their promotion but the TV comes without WIFI or Bluetooth built in, WIFI is an expensive extra, Bluetooth is not available at all so a keyboard is not attachable. Trying to input URLs or searching on Youtube is a hunt and peck affair reminiscent of the computers of 1980.

It's inexcusable. How could they make such beautiful hardware with such crappy software to run it? Wake up, Sony!

1 comment:

  1. Craftsman have brought out a Bluetooth-Enabled Tool Cabinet, believe it or not. Come on, Sony!
